Saturday, September 25, 2010

• AWT vs. Swing:-

    1. AWT and Swing are both part of a group of Java class libraries called the Java Foundation Classes (JFC).
    2. The Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) is the original GUI toolkit shipped with the Java Development Kit (JDK).
    3. The AWT provides a basic set of graphical interface components similar to those available with HTML forms.
    4. Swing is the latest GUI toolkit, and provides a richer set of interface components than the AWT.
    5. The behavior and appearance of Swing components is consistent across platforms, whereas AWT components will differ from platform to platform
    6. Swing components can be given their own "look and feel"
    7. Swing uses a more efficient event model than AWT;
    8. Swing components can run more quickly than their AWT counterparts
    9. Swing components can take longer to load than AWT components.

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